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Please, note, that the Electronic Repository of Russian Historical Statistics is not a source publication. The exact source for each figure is listed, but the database in its entirety is a complex product of dedicated research, analysis and interpretation. Therefore, please adhere to the same standards of citation that apply to other products of research like books and articles and refer to the source of your data as in the examples listed below:

Kessler, Gijs and Andrei Markevich, Electronic Repository of Russian Historical Statistics, 18th - 21st centuries,, Version I (2020): [Datatype number and name] [benchmark-year].

Kessler, Gijs and Andrei Markevich, Electronic Repository of Russian Historical Statistics, 18th - 21st centuries,, Version I (2020): Datatype 2.01 - Labour by profession, benchmark-year 1897.

or, for the documentation to a data-set:

Kessler, Gijs and Andrei Markevich, Electronic Repository of Russian Historical Statistics, 18th - 21st centuries,, Version I (2020): [Title] [page numbers] [filename: XXXXX]

Kessler, Gijs and Andrei Markevich, Electronic Repository of Russian Historical Statistics, 18th - 21st centuries,, Version I (2020): Documentation for datasets on labour - benchmark 1897, p. 1 [filename: ERRHS_2_00_info_1897_EN.pdf]

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